pramastishk parisanacharan
प्रमस्तिष्कीय = CEREBRALउदाहरण : अन्तःप्रमस्तिष्कीय, प्रमस्तिष्क के अन्दर
Usage : a cerebral approach to the problem
Usage : a cerebral approach to the problem
(Adjective) +10
प्रमस्तिष्कखंड = AMYGDALAउदाहरण : प्रमस्तिष्कखंड बादाम के आकार का होता है।
Usage : amygdala has the shape of an almond.
Usage : amygdala has the shape of an almond.
(noun) +3
प्रमस्तिष्क घात = CEREBAL PALSYउदाहरण : अकांगघात सामान्यतः प्रमस्तिष्क घात से संबद्ध होता है।
Usage : the child with cerebral palsy was able to participate in a special therapy program that helped her improve her motor skills.
Usage : the child with cerebral palsy was able to participate in a special therapy program that helped her improve her motor skills.
(Noun) 0
प्रमस्तिष्क घात = CEREBRAL PALSYUsage : Many children with cerebral palsy require specialized therapy to improve their motor skills.
(Noun) 0
प्रमस्तिष्कवियोजन = DECEREBRATIONउदाहरण : मरीज को गंभीर मस्तिष्क चोट के कारण प्रमस्तिष्कवियोजन सर्जरी करवानी पड़ी।
Usage : The patient underwent decerebration surgery due to severe brain injury.
Usage : The patient underwent decerebration surgery due to severe brain injury.
(noun) +1